Alrighty, since this is my first painting project I might as well discuss the whole process. I'm open to any input =)
I'm using acrylic paints and started with a flesh color for the background then painted the base layer of my lotus with a semi bright pink color. Then I used a speckling style with the green over the flesh color. Still not sure what the real term for this brush style - "speckling"; "stickling"
This is still just the first phase. I'm still trying to brainstorm or envision what will come next.
Currently Reading: Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan

I just started this book and I don't know if I'm already influenced by it's spiritual nature, but it got me thinking. I've always been wanting to "save the world" or help out in whatever way I can. With all that has happened in Myanmar, China, and all that women and children face around the world I try to be more active in moving forward in working to better whats going on. I picked up this book (it's fiction of course) and the setting took me to China and Burma (now Myanmar) then the narrator takes you to these places seeing what we see now because of these past events but I would have never really imagined before. The whole "spiritual" nature I indicated is only because the narrator is a spirit and the relation with where the story takes place and the situations they are facing sorta hits an emotional spot. Okay, so far the book is really good... the end
Below are some links to help get you started in taking some little big steps:
Operation SmileTap Project UNICEF
I want to be like you and save the world =)
Oh hey, was the book about the Kite Runner yours or someone else? If its yours can I borrow? Or should I open up a casil library card first?
Yes, I do have the Kite Runner =) You can borrow that too. I have the Time Traveler's Wife too (oh wait, my friend in NY is borrowing that one). That one is the bomb!!! When I get it back I'll let you borrow it...or force you to read it!
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