Sunday, July 27, 2008

Murky Waters

So last night I decided to not go shopping and decided that I'll just stay home and read. So I was reading the "Proxy Season Review 2008" by As You Sow...then I got to the section where they discussed Social Proposal and proposals in regards to the Environment. Weird, but this made me stop reading and start painting. It was taking me a while to figure out what I wanted to do for the murky water so I just had the painting sit and wait till I figured it out. I guess all the hype from reading what Socially Responsible Investors want shareholders of different corporation to vote on opened up ideas for me! HAHAHA!

Here is the second phase of my paintings. This is a 2 piece project and the pictures above is the almost complete piece that will be the right panel. I think I want to do more work on the murky water because the murky water is just as significant as the lotus flower itself.

Murky Water: Signifies our impurities and attachments from our ego. The lotus rising beautifully up and through the mud and murky water represents us overcoming all the obstacles in our life, and letting go of our attachments. It's a journey we all go through :)

It's not bad ah for my first piece?

Side Note: For those interested...Environmental Proposals (largest area of concern in proxy voting) is accounted for the largest category of social proposals that have been filed. Shareholders last year filed nearly 90 proposals on issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, recycling, water, forestry, protected land, environmental justice, etc.

"There is no such thing to my an innocent stockholder. He may be innocent in fact, but socially he cannot be held innocent. He accepts the benefits of the system. If is his business and his obligation to see that those who represent him carry out a policy which is consistent with the public welfare." - Louis Brandeis

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lotus Project - phase 1

Alrighty, since this is my first painting project I might as well discuss the whole process. I'm open to any input =)

I'm using acrylic paints and started with a flesh color for the background then painted the base layer of my lotus with a semi bright pink color. Then I used a speckling style with the green over the flesh color. Still not sure what the real term for this brush style - "speckling"; "stickling"

This is still just the first phase. I'm still trying to brainstorm or envision what will come next.
Currently Reading: Saving Fish From Drowning by Amy Tan
I just started this book and I don't know if I'm already influenced by it's spiritual nature, but it got me thinking. I've always been wanting to "save the world" or help out in whatever way I can. With all that has happened in Myanmar, China, and all that women and children face around the world I try to be more active in moving forward in working to better whats going on. I picked up this book (it's fiction of course) and the setting took me to China and Burma (now Myanmar) then the narrator takes you to these places seeing what we see now because of these past events but I would have never really imagined before. The whole "spiritual" nature I indicated is only because the narrator is a spirit and the relation with where the story takes place and the situations they are facing sorta hits an emotional spot. Okay, so far the book is really good... the end
Below are some links to help get you started in taking some little big steps:

Operation Smile

Tap Project


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lotus project

Okay, so I began working on my first acrylic painting project. This is the first piece I'm painting. The last time I painted was in elementary. It was a water color painting of jelly fish in the ocean. This piece can still be found displayed in my home. hehehehe

Below is my brainstorming of a pink lotus in bloom. I used my pastels for this one. I wanted the lotus to stand out from it's surrounding (the murky water), but still make the surrounding something that will stand out on its own as well.

In Buddhism the lotus flower is a reflection of our journey in this world. The mud represents materialism and our attachments and we grow through the water (experience) and bloom above the murky water.

Below I started working with the acrylic paints. This was just a trial to get a feel of the different textures I wanted to use. I'm going to go for the right side with the spotty murky water. I liked the texture I was getting and it was tedious and time consuming, which is perfect for what the murky water represents in our journey. Although the draft is incomplete I felt that this direction is best suited for this project.

Once the final piece is complete I'll be sure to post it.
Currently reading: French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano
It's a really fun read - it is not a diet book "the ultimate non-diet book". I think it's good for those who already understand the pleasure of life and for those who are looking for better alternatives. I finished reading it and thought, "at last, the real book for women. I love being a girl!!!" and if only all women could embrace life this way without feeling guilty.

tout est question d'equilibre!

Friday, July 4, 2008

SF Trip

Shiho and Micchan wearing the jewelry I made them. The mother of pearl set on Shiho and the lotus bead set on Micchan. This picture was taken on our trip to the SF Golden Gate Bridge, but it was so cloudy that we couldn't even see the bridge. The bridge was hardly visible even while we were driving on the bridge. The mountain behind us had clouds swimming over it.