Monday, November 29, 2010

City bike

A blogging-cleanse is about to transpire ;).  I've held back on many events that I should have blogged about, so be ware of a slew of blogs to come.

Last month Chihiro-chan and I helped Mar-chan with her marathon training.  So we rode bikes carrying extra Gatorade, water, and snacks packed with electrolytes (Like peanut butter filled pretzels...yum!). We did a 23 mile route:

- one loop of central park starting at 67th street,
- then go across 66th to the east side and over
- to the queensboro bridge,
- back through the park at 59th and
- across 72nd street to riverside,
- down to 14th street, turn around and
- go up until around 116th and back down,
- ending at 72nd and riverside.

It was so windy and cold that day.  Kuddos to Mar-chan for running it all the way through and managing to walk back to the apt and change and walk to the restaurant to feed our hungry faces :)

That day I borrowed Mar-chan's bike has convinced me to get a city bike for myself.  I've been looking around to see what kind I would like for myself.  Something simple, easy, and convenient (If I had a garage to fit a 10' truck then I'd get that with a sign that said, "Move outta my way bi*ch*s! lol jk).  I have a preference for a Japanese city bikes like this Koga-Miyata mountain bike:

However, I still do someday hope to be able to enjoy living a Parisian lifestyle.  So secretly the girly-euro side of me wants this gorgeous Batavus Dutch city bike:

1 comment:

jackie said...

Shit, get the red one LMAO!! =P