Sunday, July 27, 2008

Murky Waters

So last night I decided to not go shopping and decided that I'll just stay home and read. So I was reading the "Proxy Season Review 2008" by As You Sow...then I got to the section where they discussed Social Proposal and proposals in regards to the Environment. Weird, but this made me stop reading and start painting. It was taking me a while to figure out what I wanted to do for the murky water so I just had the painting sit and wait till I figured it out. I guess all the hype from reading what Socially Responsible Investors want shareholders of different corporation to vote on opened up ideas for me! HAHAHA!

Here is the second phase of my paintings. This is a 2 piece project and the pictures above is the almost complete piece that will be the right panel. I think I want to do more work on the murky water because the murky water is just as significant as the lotus flower itself.

Murky Water: Signifies our impurities and attachments from our ego. The lotus rising beautifully up and through the mud and murky water represents us overcoming all the obstacles in our life, and letting go of our attachments. It's a journey we all go through :)

It's not bad ah for my first piece?

Side Note: For those interested...Environmental Proposals (largest area of concern in proxy voting) is accounted for the largest category of social proposals that have been filed. Shareholders last year filed nearly 90 proposals on issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, recycling, water, forestry, protected land, environmental justice, etc.

"There is no such thing to my an innocent stockholder. He may be innocent in fact, but socially he cannot be held innocent. He accepts the benefits of the system. If is his business and his obligation to see that those who represent him carry out a policy which is consistent with the public welfare." - Louis Brandeis

1 comment:

mc said...

hey tine! wanna draw me a lotus flower? might wanna get one for a tattoo. heehee.