Monday, July 26, 2010

His Story, Her Story

..."And I remember thinking, 'Maybe I shouldn't feel so ashamed. Maybe, one day, Allah willing, I can become a great lady too.'" - Jahan, one of the first educated woman in the history of Braldu Valley (Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson)

Sterling silver cuff by C. Casil

The marker for the beginning of this new journey.  Sketched it on my notebook, carved it out of wax, then began the cire perdue process. Created with sterling silver in a class that was just supposed to be an outlet from my nine-to-five career. The theme, the motivation, the inspiration - pretty hard to explain to strangers, in a blog post, to the world wide web.  The strength, the femininity, the humanity is hard to showcase in a cuff bracelet, but that is a brief summary of the inspiration that helped create and complete this project.

To get a little bit of understanding, I'll leave you with these suggested reads by great men: Greg Mortenson and Nicholas Kristof.

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